The output quality of the Greasex production line is erratic. The Greasex product must be produced, packaged, and shipped within precise pressure criteria. A high volume of the product line output is consistently produced at pressures exceeding the limits of the quality criteria.
Personnel·both production workers and supervisors·are aware of the problem, and do act to correct pressures in the Greasex product containers prior to packaging and shipping. The actions, however, are not consistent with company production operating procedures, nor do the production workers notify supervisory personnel either prior to or subsequent to taking such actions.
The cause and effect fishbone diagram of the Greasex problem is present in the chart which may be found on the following page. As indicated in the chart, the major problem areas are (1) production scheduling, (2) production equipment quality, (3) personnel training, and (4) personnel attitudes. Important sub-causes are associated with each of the major problem areas identified in the fishbone diagram. The major problem confronting the quality control manager in relation to the Greasex production situation is to devise a solution that will assure that product quality objectives are met with respect to Greasex production. Each of the causes and sub-causes must be addressed in any solution to the Greasex production quality problem.
Justification for Problem Definition
Product quality is essential for the long-term success of any manufacturing operation. While there are several approaches to improving and maintaining product quality, none of these approaches are being applied to the production of Greasex.
Quality improvement is sought in contemporary organizations through the implementation of strategies based on concepts with names suc...