ching method have the potential to result in successful learning for students (Travis and Lord 12). The constructivist approach empowers the student to become self-directed but this method is more time consuming and has the potential to be problem in a crowded classroom with little time for the use of new methods of teaching (Kumar 247). Kumar related Dewey's views that students require a continuous process that allows them to reconstruct experiences and without this opportunity, there is a distortion or arrest of growth of a further experience. This is the principle of continuity, a principle in line with the constructivist design that provides the learner with a continuum of education experiences. The traditional methods focus on instructional goals such as defining concepts, recalling facts, generalizations, and performing procedures; and the constructivist methods focus on reasoning, social negotiation, critical thinking, self-regulation, and mindful reflection. This approach is applied to the regular and e-learning environment (Almala 9).
There are specific epistemological assumptions and approaches to teaching with each of these methods. The teaching-centered approach has an empiricist epistemological assumption and believes that knowledge is gained by observing the world (Yuen and Hau 280). Y