hat the job entails and assess potential candidates according to their ability to satisfy the job requirements (ôHRD & Marketingö). Appropriate job placement hinges on good job analysis, since it is necessary to properly define the parameters of a job in order to place the right person in it (ôHRD & Marketingö). In terms of transfers, job analysis ensures that the people who are qualified for a job according to the job analysis are the ones considered for it (ôHRD & Marketingö).
Many organizations use generic products, such as mass-produced employment tests and training programs, instead of conducting an in-house job analysis (Adams). They may feel that the investment of time and energy is not warranted or may not be aware of the advantages of doing the job analysis themselves. An in-house job analysis, however, provides valuable information that is specific to the unique demands of jobs in the organization; this information cannot be obtained through the use of generic tools: ôResearch shows that programs based on job analysis results are more effective and more readily accepted by employees than comparable generic programsö (Adams). Even used in conjunction with generic tools, in-house job analysis can add much specific detail that makes the information more useful and reliable.
Furthermore, thanks to legislation passed in recent decades, there are important legal reasons for conducting job analyses:
In 1964, Congress passed landmark legislation covering nearly all companies that have 15 or more employees, intended to reduce discrimination in the workplace
The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978) addresses the legality of human resource programs in organizations, including the organizationÆs recruiting, hi