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Anne Frank When Adolf Hitler came to power in

When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, his anti-semitic beliefs were put into practice by his Nazi party, which passed anti-Jewish laws and built concentration camps where millions of Jews were killed or died from the harsh conditions (McCabe 18). Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl, and her family were forced to hide, and Anne began a diary at age 13 which documented the sufferings of her family. It has become famous as The Diary of Anne Frank and has been made into movies, TV specials, and plays. The diary charts two years of her life from 1942 to 1944, while her family were hiding in Amsterdam from the Nazis. Anne Frank began to write in school and planned to become a writer, but when she heard on a radio broadcast from London of the importance of war diaries and letters for possible publication, she changed the style of her diaries, which she had begun when receiving a diary as a present on her 13th birthday (Anne). The diary begins just before the family retreated into their ôSecret Annexeö and records her hopes, frustrations, disputes with her parents, and observations of her companions. The first version appeared in 1947, and was edited by her father, who removed some of the more personal sections and some family references. This paper describes AnneÆs short life according to her diary.

The Short Life of Anne Frank (1929-1945)

Anne Frank was born Anneliese Marie Frank in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929, the second daughter of Otto and Edith frank (Anne). She had an older sister, Margot Betti, three years her senior. The FrankÆs family businesses included banking, management of the springs of Bad Soden, and the manufacture of cough drops. Anne and her sister led privileged, happy lives (Metzger 20). Margot was calm and quiet, while Anne was high-spirited and hot-tampered. When the Nazis won the national elections in 1932, and the following year appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor, the family fled to the Netherlands...

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Anne Frank When Adolf Hitler came to power in. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 00:08, January 19, 2025, from