, need for excitement, and number of friends. Whereas introverts avoid certain types of stimulation and social behavior, extraverts seek out these types. Some of the best known and most widely used personality tests that reveal predisposition to leadership are objective tests.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) are two widely used objective tests of personality. Although the MMPI is primarily used to identify individuals with serious psychological problems, one of the clinical scales on this test measures social introversion, the tendency to withdraw from social contacts and responsibilities. Given the people skills required of leaders, the individual who is socially introverted would not be suitable to assume such a role.
Unlike the MMPI, the CPI was designed for use with normal adolescents and adults. Among other characteristics, the scales on this inventory measure dominance, responsibility, and sociability. The CPI has been used as a tool to understand leadership and creativity.
Leadership potential may be measured through psychometric tests that measure ability and personality, and employers sometimes use these tests as predictors of job performance. Granted