orm the basic structure of modern society: secularism, individualism, bureaucracy, and pluralism. Secularism refers to the despiritualization of the world. Modernism rejected the sacred in favor of rationalism (Ponge 42).
Modernism in literary expression was not a sudden birth, although its may have appeared to have been to the people living in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. The movement toward modernism began as early as 1830 with efforts to introduce to historical relativism in literary expression. Within the context of modernism in literature, the writer is cut off from the normative past with its fixed criteria, and tradition has no legitimate claim to offer examples for direction. Within the context of modernism, thus, the writer can create a private and modifiable past. The writer's personal awareness of the present provides the primary source of inspiration and creativity. Thus, in literary expression, within the framework of modernism, moves away from concept permanence, with implications of unchanging and transcendent ideals, to a concept of the transitory character of human existence, with implications of continuous change and shifting ideals.
Car tout commence par la conscience et rien ne vaut que par elle (Camus 27).
Literary expression within the context of modernism dealt with the contradictions for human beings that evolved with the growth of capitalism, wherein the concept of time-is-money clashed with) the personal, subjective durFe, the private time created by the unfolding of the self. The later identity of time and self is the core f