imits of language, world, and science lie, enables one to see the world as a limited whole. Feeling the world as a limited whole is what Wittgenstein called 'mystical'a The mystical is not how the world is but that it is" (Wittgenstein 65).
Wittgenstein's "language games" one might call the "emperor's New Clothes theory", for what he does is strip bare the embellishments of words and reduces them to their absolute bare essentials. Children learn through rudimentary signals, sometimes gestures, sometimes single words. Chances are no child understands the use of an adverb or adjective. "Happy", "sad" are complete thoughts to a child. Since children go through various stages of learning, so language games becomes part of that growing up "Learning is based on believing" (Wittgenstein 167). One does not believe half-heartedly. One either does or does not. So, with the original concept mentioned above about "Art": One either believes that something is Art - whether it is Hip Hop music or the Pieta, or one does not. Art is in the learning curve of the observer, and he articulates his beliefs and reactions (not his appreciation") through the language game.