losophers have asked how to tell that which is most real so that all else rests on that reality, and second what is it that is most real so that it cannot be created or destroyed, usually identified as God:
Metaphysics is the attempt to say what reality is. . . When we look back to the very beginnings of philosophy and metaphysics, when people first made the attempt to formulate their view of the world in terms of what was most real and what was not, we find these same two tests being invoked (Solomon 108).
From the beginning of philosophy, these questions have been formed in terms of reason rather than faith, and this is the primary distinction that can be made between the Greek attempts to explain through mythology on the one hand and metaphysical on the other. The revolution that took place in thinking was a shift in method of inquiry, but the two remain related in terms of subject matter. Ernst Cassirer notes th