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Behavior Change Objectives of Subliminal Tapes

taught by North American society to repress such thoughts. He also claimed that, once he had informed the students as to exactly what was being portrayed on the rock video, they almost unanimously rejected the video tape. What Key failed to do, as is so often the case with his identification of sexuallyoriented subliminal messages, is to explain a motivation for the producers of the Thriller video tape. The masking of a group masturbation sequence is an expensive process, and, if its perception would turn off viewers (who would be expected to be purchasers), there would appear to be a motivation not to portray a group masturbation sequence, unless, of course, Key would want his audience to think that either Michael Jackson or his video tape producers want to promote a group masturbation life style.

Key (1989) also claimed that the 21 April 1986 Time magazine cover, which portrayed Lybia's Muammar Qaddafi, contained two subliminal embeds. The first was the word "sex" on hi


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Behavior Change Objectives of Subliminal Tapes. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:54, January 22, 2025, from