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Lee Strasberg & The Method

y rather liked doing the play, but as a man he says he remembers nothing of it but the name of the character representing his older brother. The theater bug had not bitten him yet. In 1915, the well-known Yiddish actor Jacob Ben-Ami was set to direct three one-act plays in Yiddish for the Neighborhood Playhouse, then beginning to be considered a serious American company. Again someone Strasberg's age was needed, and again he did the part without having it make much of an impression on him. The third experience he had on the stage was different and made more of an impression on him. This was a German play by Hermann Sudermann, again for the Progressive Dramatic Club, which had now become a better known group. Strasberg remembered later that the play was rehearsed without props, and when he was on stage opening night, he found himself facing a lamp he was supposed to light, a lamp


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