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Bel Canto Composers

on the age of bel canto, choruses and audiences also grew more important. Musical dramas were growing into more large-scale productions. Harmonies were kept much simpler so that the beautiful voices could “soar in melodies with poignant chromatic inflections or to leap in dazzling displays of bel canto ornamentation” (Drummond 226). Rhythms were also be transformed by the focus on vocals during the bel canto movement. Rhythms tended toward a more simplistic form in order to allow for a broader context for individual expression with respect to the human voice. As Drummond maintains in Opera In Perspective, “The Italians were maintaining the supremacy of vocal melody, their chief contribution to European music-drama” (227). Romantic opera is all about emotion over reason and the bel canto style focuses on the human emotions of the drama.

The bel canto style of singing became very popular with singers who had felt restricted in expression by the polyphonic style of opera and singing until the bel canto movement developed. Opera’s origination during the 17th century actually gave singers a spectacular outlet for vocal display. Because of the requirements of the bel canto singing style, however, many composers created their works to enhance this style of vocal expression. As Gordon explains, “Archetypical bel canto singing is distinguished by emotional expressiveness, vitally resonant tones covering a wide pitch range, in a complete control of extremes of loud and soft, and in ease and flexibility of movement” (4). Resonance, range, and flexibility are the three pillars of the bel canto ideal and both music and vocalist must demonstrate them.

The composers who flourished using the bel canto style and others who composed during the bel canto era significantly strengthened the influence and development of Italian opera. Donizetti, Bellini, Rossini and Verdi are generally the most acclaimed bel canto composers. ...

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Bel Canto Composers. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:08, September 19, 2024, from