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Mythology in Star Wars Trilogy

pic appeal to the audience and the reader.

Lucas creates a mythic quality from the first. To begin with, the story is not set in the future as science fiction films usually are. Instead, it is set in the far distant past and in a galaxy far from our own: "Another galaxy, another time" (1). This implies a more ancient lineage for the story and so enhances its aura of myth. There are key mythic features in the development of the characters, notably the princess separated from her kingdom; the battle of good against evil, with evil embodied in a dark and mysterious figure (in this case Darth Vader); the dashing hero, often outside the mainstream, and often a reluctant hero, as in the case of Han Solo; and with fantastic creatures of one sort or another, some on the side of good (such as the robots), some on the side of evil (again referring to Darth Vader,


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