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Fictitious Report from New Spain

Now that we have returned from the first expedition into this new land we are to call New Spain, I can give you an early report on the land and its peoples, as well as an idea that our work for the church will go well here. I am of the opinion that these wretched natives will embrace our Christian religion once we have begun its teaching, for it is a much gentler, more humane way of life than their bloodthirsty sacrifices. They will, I am convinced, welcome you, my brothers of Saint Francis, as you come to teach them the gentle ways of Christ.

I received permission from the Governor, as you know, to accompany the first exploration into the interior of this new continent under the command of Hernan Cortes. Several of our number, including at least one who first arrived with Captain Columbus, joined the expedition in provisioning the ships with sufficient stores of cassava bread, salt pork, casks of water, horses, and arms for unknown encounters. In all, several hundred men began the journey. We were well supplied, though I do suspect that Captain Cortes overextended himself in borrowing for the trip. Our church's generosity in funding my own share has graciously allowed me to pursue our work at the side of these brave adventurers.

The Captain General included in his provisions a pair of standards and banners that carried the words, "Comrades, let us follow the sign of the holy Cross with true faith, and through it we shall conquer," beneath a cross of gold and the sign of the royal coat of arms. He is truly a reverent man, and his great success must be through the grace of God.

Thus, we set out, and not without incident, for one of our earliest encounters was with a Spaniard who had been made a slave by the Indians and was so changed that we did not know him as a civilized being until he spoke. I was particularly interested in his plight because I learned he had taken holy orders. However, not being of our brother...

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Fictitious Report from New Spain. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:54, September 06, 2024, from