e other hand, is conscious, or explicit knowledge about the language; it is cognitive processing through formal instruction and error correction.
Krashen's distinction between learning and acquiring may be related to learning styles and personalities. Field Dependence may be more important in acquiring natural unconscious language than Field Independence which may be central to success in formal classroom settings (Krashen and Galloway, 1978).
Case studies show that acquirers, as Monitor underusers, tend to have taken language in holistically by immersion or subconsciousness, and that they correct by feel. On the other hand, the Monitor overuser, a learner, tends to have experienced and also desires formal grammar training to aid in learning (Krashen, Seliger, and Hartnett, 1974).
Krashen is of the opinion that grammar is acquired in a predictable order. Although this order can be altered as a result of first language influence, it