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There is a belief abroad that children and some adults learn a second language spontaneously, without making a deliberate effort to learn the mechanics of the new language--just the way they learned their first language. On the other hand, most adults would seem to need guidance, tutoring, teaching, and concentrated attention on the form of the language rather than merely on its substance (meaning, communicative value). Not all linguists and teachers agree with this premise. One thing, though, is certain: there is to date no strongly entrenched theory to explain how people learn a second language. The only demonstrable and empirical fact is that different people seem to learn differently.

Nevertheless, in their search for illumination, linguists believe to have found some common denominators in the learning of symbolic systems--in particular language. One of these common acquisitive approaches has been described by Stephen D. Krashen and his collaborators under the appellation of The Monitor Theory. This short paper summarily describes and discusses this theory, the theories upon which it is based or of which it is part, and the model developed therefrom.

Before embarking on this endeavor, however, it is worth noting the caveat levelled by renown linguists, such as Wolfgang Klein (1986), professor at the Max Planck Institut f(r Psycholinguistik. Klein claims that "no sharp dividing line can be drawn between first and second language acquisition for the simple reason that the latter is frequently initiated before the former has come to a close" (p. 15). Does the first language ever come to a close? The professor does not deny that "a second language can be acquired in a variety of ways, at any age, for different purposes, and to varying degrees" (p. 15). He recognizes the traditional distinction between tutored (guided) and untutored (spontaneous) language learning, but he makes this distinction only because of its practical sig...

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KRASHEN'S MONITOR MODEL. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:49, February 02, 2025, from