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Bermuda Geography: Discussion of Importance

This paper discusses the geography of Bermuda, starting from pre-human times, proceeding to pre-contact times, through early human contact, and to the present, as well as examining some issues that will continue to be significant in the future, such as the relationship of Bermuda's location and volcanic origins to the Bermuda Triangle and to global warming, if any. The progression of Bermuda's wildlife and some of its most notable tree species through these eras is discussed, with special note given to species of amphibians that were introduced by man and that impacted the island in a significant manner.

William Livingston (41) noted Bermuda's importance with respect to global climatic changes, and his stratigraphic research is detailed in the paper, providing clues to Bermuda's pre-human environment. In addition, Bermuda's volcanic origins are discussed (Malmquist; Vogt & Yung 553). The phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious happenings associated with it are described (Quasar 1). Suzuki and Dressel (99) explain that the first humans arrived on Bermuda in approximately 1612 and describe the effect of their advent on a bird, that cahow, whose numbers were decimated shortly thereafter. Other effects of human contact are detailed, leading into the modern day, and future research is anticipated concerning the role of Bermuda in global warming and the Bermuda Triangle.

Livingston, William. "Observations on the Structure of Bermuda." The Geographical Journal, 104.1/2, (Jul-Aug 1944), 40-48. JSTOR.

Malmquist, David. "Bermuda Natural History."

Quasar, Gian. Into the Bermuda Triangle: Pursuing the Truth Behind the World's Greatest Mystery. New York: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press, 2005.

Suzuki, David; Dressel, Holly. Good News for a Change: How Everyday People Are Hel...

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Bermuda Geography: Discussion of Importance. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 06:26, February 23, 2025, from