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Cultural Analysis of India

The Republic of India is the worldÆs largest democracy, with an estimated population of 1,049,700,118 living in an area one-third the size of the United States (India 2003, 3). India is geographically situated in Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal between Burma and Pakistan. Often referred to as the Indus Valley civilization, India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. The invasion of Aryan tribes from the northwest in 1500 B.C. merged with previous inhabitants to create the classical Indian culture. Between the 8th and 15th centuries, Arab, Turkish, and European incursions occurred respectively. By the early 1800s, Britain maintained political control over practically all Indian lands. The efforts of Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru helped achieved Indian independence by 1947 (India 2003). The subcontinent was broken into divisions, including the secular state of India and the Muslim state of Pakistan. Strife between the two divisions has existed ever since, with a war in 1971 resulting in the formation of Bangladesh, a separate state formerly known as East Pakistan (India 2003).

Ethnically, India consists of three main divisions: Indo-Aryan (72%); Dravidian (25%) and Mongoloid and other (3%), (India 2003, 2). With respect to religion, 81.3% of the population practices Hinduism, 12% is Muslim, 2.3% is Christian, and 1.9% is Sikh (India 2003, 2). English remains the most significant language with respect to national, political, and commercial communication, but Hindu is the national language and the ôprimary tongueö of 30% of the Indian population (India 2003, 2). Ideology, colonization, culture, gender, and myth in Indian civilization are quite distinct from Western culture. This analysis will discuss these aspects of India civilization.

Colonization remains a significant force in the shape, tone, and tenor of India society. Mohandas Gandhi put forth the ideology o...

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