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Nietzsche and Latin American Literature

This research will examine the influence of Nietzsche on Latin American literature in the first half of the twentieth century. The research will set forth the philosophical context in which Latin American literature of the period can be examined as relevant to Nietzsche's philosophy of history and art. The research will then discuss the manner in which the pattern of ideas articulated in Latin American fiction in the first half of the century and the manner in which these ideas emerge coincide with and illustrate the explanatory power of Nietzsche's theory as well as that of Foucault, who takes his ideas from Nietzsche.

The project of finding a nexus between Nietzsche's thought and Latin American literature produced from 1900 to 1950 cannot be undertaken without reference to Nietzsche's philosophy of history, for, as Echevarria points out (43), the history of America--more exactly the history of Europe in America and by extension the manner in which history was made in America starting with Columbus's discovery--is one of the central subjects of all subsequent historical discourse.

The first half of the twentieth century is a useful period to examine in this regard because at this time Latin American identity per se was, as a matter of history, coming into its own. The Spanish-American War of 1898, which ceded Caribbean territory to the United States and after which Cuba obtained independence from Spain, completed the work of revolutionary turmoil that had swept through Central and South America early in the nineteenth century and that had stripped Spain of her mainland American colonies, creating a number of new independent states. After 300 years of domination by the Spanish monarchy, the new nations were free (as far as Spain was concerned) to form their laws in accordance with their own aspirations and political ideals.

In point of fact, however, the nation-state experience in Latin America throughout the twentieth centur...

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Nietzsche and Latin American Literature. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:01, February 08, 2025, from