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This study will examine euthanasia from philosophical and Catholic perspectives, arguing that euthanasia in all cases is wrong. The study will consider such aspects as health care ethics, practical and moral consequences, and the regulation of death (which would become a virtual industry were euthanasia to be legalized).

Benedict Ashley and Kevin O'Rourke, in Health Care Ethics: A Theological Analysis, write that the basic argument against euthanasia from the point of view of the Catholic church is ethical:

Suicide is the choice to destroy one's own life, and "assisted" suicide is formal cooperation with the suicide of another. It should be obvious from [previous] discussion of the principle of legitimate cooperation that it cannot be ethical for a health care professional to cooperate formally with suicide if suicide itself is unethical. A fortiori if assisting suicide is immoral, killing a person without their consent, even with the intention of relieving their suffering, cannot be ethical (Ashley and O'Rourke 411-412).

The problem, then, is determining whether euthanasia is indeed unethical. Once that is established, then the position against euthanasia from the Catholic perspective is supported on the grounds of its unethical nature.

The word "euthanasia" itself is a combination of Greek words which mean "good death" or "happy death." Obviously, the connotation is not neutral, but is meant to convey the impression that such a death is desirable, good for the suffering and/or dying individual, and that those who take part in such an action are clearly justified and should have no moral qualms. Such a putting to death of another in such a situation is what is referred to as a "mercy killing." The suggestion, of course, is that those who would disagree with such an action or protest against it are people without mercy. The argument here is that this is a false characterization of those against euthanasia. Focusing only...

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euthanasia. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 10:13, February 23, 2025, from