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Economic Theory & IBM Carroll, P. B. "Hurt By A Pricing War, IBM Pla

Carroll, P. B. "Hurt By A Pricing War, IBM Plans WriteOff and Cut of 10,000 Jobs." The Wall Street Journal, 6 December 1989, A1, A8.

This research critiques the above referenced article in the context of economic theory related to the market process. The market process is a method of economic organization which permits unregulated prices, and decentralized decisionmaking by participants in the market to resolve basic economic problems associated with consumption, production, and distribution.

I think that the referenced article is relevant to the market process because it describes the response by IBM to significant events in the computer market. One of the tools of the market process is price. The referenced article describes how IBM responded with revisions in its pricing policy to both shrinking market share, and to the pricing policies of competitors.

A price system is a process of resource allocation in an economy. The Ameican economy is, in general terms, a free market economy. In a free market economy, prices are determined in the market, without government interventionfor the most part. One of the theoretical economic concepts associated with the use of prices is that of economic efficiency. Economic efficiency demands that any given output be produced at minimum cost. To produce goods at minimum cost means that both waste and technological inefficiency must be avoided. Prices are

used to find the costminimizing production processes. Another theoretical concept associated with the use of prices in a free market economy equilibrium. A free market economy is said to be in equilibrium when the independently taken decisions of households and firms are compatible. To achieve this equilibrium, prices must be set at a level such that the total demand for any good is equal to the amount of it initially available, plus the amount of it produced. Implicit in the concept of equilibrium is anoth...

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Economic Theory & IBM Carroll, P. B. "Hurt By A Pricing War, IBM Pla. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:57, February 02, 2025, from