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The baboons that have undergone remarkable evolutionary change. Overall, the species demonstrate considerable diversity. For example, the baboons' different social systems permit them to occupy various ecological niches. In addition, the animals are inherently flexible. Thus, they readily adjust to changing environmental influences.

Depending on the choice of classification system, there are currently between 150 and 180 living primate species. Of these, 50-60 primate species, or one-third of the total, occur on the African continent. While these primates are widely distributed, many species occupy well-defined ecological niches covering small geographic areas. These small communities need to be protected. Such conservation could take the form of education programs, national conservation strategies, and more stringent hunting controls. Moreover, greater effort could be directed towards the elimination of poaching activities. These measures, however, require a better understanding of primate needs. Surveys should be conducted to assess the animals' survival status, and perhaps also locate suitable reserve areas (Oates, 1986, pp. 25-26). Certainly it is unrealistic to try and protect large areas of Africa. Instead, realistic conservation objectives must be established. For example, appropriate emphasis should be placed on such things as sustained-yield forest management. Within such managed areas, highly protected sanctuaries could be created. These smaller reserves might provide a base from which species could recolonize other areas. Of course, for any conservation effort to work, it must be agreeable to the people living in the particular area. Although local compliance might be achieved to some degree through education, it is better for people to have some sort of self-interest in conservation. Therefore, ideally reserves should be incorporated into comprehensive plans for both resource development and manag...

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Baboons. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 23:48, February 22, 2025, from