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Behavior Change Objectives of Subliminal Tapes

The nonadvertising use of subliminal tapes involves behavioral change objectives, where the selling of products is not the objective. Such uses include the development of, or the breaking of specific habits, persuading individuals to accept a particular line of thought, or enhancing a situation background.

Probably the use of subliminal perception and subliminal suggestion best known to the general public is in connection with the subliminal tapes, which are touted to change behaviors of all typesstop smoking, lose weight, control anger, and so forth. These tapes are widely criticized by the psychology community, because they are often poorly prepared, and are marketed without any, or very little, prior research (Moore, 1991). Moore (1991), an associate professor of psychology at York University, Toronto, added that it is not always clear under analysis that the tapes include any message other than those perceptible to the conscious mind. Greenwald (1991), in experimental analysis of subliminal tapes marketed to the general public, found no evidence that use of the tapes produced the promised effects. Nevertheless, American consumers spent $50 million on such tapes in 1990.

Used more scientifically, however, some practitioners have claimed impressive results for subliminal tapes. Dr. Hal Becker developed and used subliminal tapes in a weight loss program in New Orleans, which, over a period of several years, achieved and sustained weight loss for hundreds of obese patients. The effectiveness of the program was recognized by the New Orleans Medical Society (Key, 1980). Becker is also credited with the development of subliminal tapes which have produced effective results in retail thefts by both customers and store employees. Such tapes are played over a store communication system, with the messages masked by music. Key (1980) contends that, if the subliminal tapes are successful in reducing retail store theft, they, i...

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Behavior Change Objectives of Subliminal Tapes. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 22:04, March 06, 2025, from