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Subliminal Communication Techniques

TECHNIQUES OF SUBLIMINAL COMMUNICATION, WHICHMAY BE USED IN SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING Six basic audiovisual techniques are employed in the communication of subliminal messages (Key, 1989). Most subliminal messaging employs some combination of the six basic techniques (Key, 1989). The six basic techniques are (1) figureground reversals, or syncretistic illusions, (2) embedding, (3) double entendre, (4) tachistoscopic displays, (5) lowintensity light and lowvolume sound, and (6) lighting and background sound (Key, 1989).

Visual and audio perceptions are divided into figure and ground. Figure includes content, foreground, and subject, while ground includes background supportive to figure, and the environment within which figure exists (Key, 1989). Individuals unconsciously distinguish figure from ground, and the conscious mind focuses on figure, while ground is perceived unconsciously. If a threatening distraction is included in ground, ground becomes figure. Less than onepercent of the American population possesses syncretistic vision, which is the ability to view figure and ground simultaneously, although most people have such a capability when in an hypnotic trance (Key, 1989).

Figure and ground have long been significant in fine art. Advertising artists have adopted this technique. In advertising, figure typically provides a safe, uncontroversial, and nonchallenging presentation of information, while ground may contain vital data which are intended to be perceived unconsciously, or subliminally (Key, 1989). There is no great controversy concerning the use of figure and ground in advertising art. What is controversial is the proposition that ground is used to provide subliminal messaging.

The United States government recognizes that embedding is used in advertising, and, in 1984, defined embedding, and prohibited its use in alcohol advertisements (Key, 1989). The Brueau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (1984...

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