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Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental disorders. The term "anxiety disorders" describes a wide range of conditions in patients who present with physical and mental symptoms of distress that occur either as attacks or that persist over a period of time. Anxiety disorders are a symptom of almost all mental disorders.

A certain level of anxiety is normal in all individuals in response to certain stimuli. During times of stress, anxiety produces physiological changes that facilitate adaptive performance levels. If anxiety reaches the problem stage, it can negatively influence an individual's daily functioning.

Problem anxiety is characterized by three hallmarks: irrationality, paralysis, and intensity. If an individual's anxiety rages out of proportion to the reality of the danger, it is irrational. For instance, a veteran of the Persian Gulf War is repeatedly awakened to recurrent nightmares in which she relives her tour of duty. Anxiety that is unproductive and stymies action creates paralysis. An example is an individual who fears public speaking and thus avoids all group discussions. When an individual becomes dominated by his or her anxiety, the disorder progresses to the final hallmark--intensity (Seligman, 1994, p. 41).

In making a diagnosis of anxiety, clinicians look for three components: behavioral factors, physical symptoms, and worrying thoughts. The most common behavioral disturbance is avoidance or escape. Behavioral impairment also can occur, resulting for example in stuttering or insomnia. Physical symptoms of anxiety include over-activity of the sympathetic nervous symptom and increased muscular tension. These can manifest as respiratory symptoms (e.g., tightness of the chest or difficulty in inhaling), gastrointestinal tract symptoms (e.g., dry mouth or flatulence), and genito-urinary symptoms (e.g., impotence or loss of libido). Muscular tension symptoms may manifest as trembl...

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