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Global Bioethics Euthanasia

Conscience is the guardian in the individual of the rules which the community has evolved for its own preservation.


In Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing, Burkhardt and Nathaniel (1998) argue that: “...the cosmology of a culture indirectly determines specific beliefs about the origin of disease and healing. Cosmology...describes the structure, origin, and processes of the universe and includes beliefs about the gods of the culture. The nature of the gods worshipped in any culture directly affects prevailing health beliefs” (6). The same is true whether we are discussing ancient cultures or contemporary ones when we look at the complex global issue of euthanasia.

Cosmology is perhaps most important with respect to bioethical issues like euthanasia. This is because religious philosophy typically underlies different culture’s perspectives on euthanasia. In the fractured, individualistic U.S. culture where religious differences abound, some states have legalized euthanasia while others have criminalized the practice. Globally we see similar distinctions with countries like Colombia who have legalized euthanasia and those such as Australia who have recently recriminalized the practice. Globalization has spread democratic principles and erased borders but it has also spread new ethical values in the wake of commerce and industrialization. As Larue (2002) argues, “Euthanasia has become a complex global issue for the 21st century, with different cultures wrestling with the variety of ethical, religious and legal factors involved in helping someone to die legally” (1).

Euthanasia is a complex issue from a global perspective. Different cultures, customs, religions and laws make the issue too simple for quick explanation. Active voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are illegal in every country but Colombia, but Antonio Barrera of Colombia...

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Global Bioethics Euthanasia. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 10:08, February 23, 2025, from