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Diet & Heart Disease

From a review of the literature, there are many theories related to the formation of heart disease, including lack of exercise, overweight, high blood pressure, smoking, and exposure to carbon monoxide gas (Fallon and Enig 19). In addition to these theories of heart disease, the American Heart Association has espoused the theory since the 1960s that the major cause of heart disease in Western nations (atherosclerosis) is dietary, “the lipid hypothesis, namely that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol lead to elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, and that these elevated levels of cholesterol cause the pathogenic atheromas that block blood vessels” (Fallon et al. 15). Other authors like Mary P. McGowan in her book, Heart Fitness for Life, agree with the theory that diet has a profound impact on the formation of or prevention of heart disease. In this book, the author provides a wealth of statistics that demonstrate heart disease is the number one killer in American society, making its prevention all that more significant. McGowan provides personal case studies that show how individuals adopt unhealthy lifestyle habits, from diet to smoking, that contribute to the formation of heart disease. In some of these case studies we see an individual named George who started unhealthy habits like smoking at age nine and quit six weeks after a heart attack at age 38. Until his heart attack and reassessing his values and past experiences, George never understood how much he used smoking as a form of relaxation. Once he recognized this, he was able to change his behavior by finding other ways of relaxing. In another case study, Wayne is having bypass surgery for a heart condition causes by a high saturated fat and cholesterol diet. In this study McGowan demonstrates that statistics alone do not tell the whole story or provide an accurate assessment of the real cardiac risk involved. As she explains, “Total cholesterol value is...

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Diet & Heart Disease. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:25, October 14, 2024, from