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AFRICAN Literature in Curriculum

This argumentative essay begins with an explanation of why it is so problematic to try and incorporate African literature into the English curriculum at a community college. The problem is that conventional teaching and the media often portray Africa and Africans as an uncivilized and wild culture that borders between tribal custom and starvation. However, this paragraph argues that modern economic and global trends are making this image increasingly difficult to perpetuate because of an increased awareness among educators, students and the media. The paragraph argues that literature is an excellent way to afford students the information they need to reassess this conventional teaching and perspective on Africa and Africans. The next paragraph argues that the only way the obstacles can be overcome for most educators in accepting African literature into the curriculum is for them to honestly reassess their beliefs and learning concerning the slave trade, both in Africa and the U.S., both for blacks and whites. The final paragraph argues that another obstacle to incorporating African literature into the English curriculum is changing the mindset of educators to enable them to be more conscious about the value of this kind of literature for helping students of all colors with identity development.

There are many problems associated with integrating African literature into the English curriculum at a community college. Unfortunately, because of deleterious media images and a general ignoring of African literature among mainstream educators, one of the biggest of these obstacles is the mindset of educators themselves who all too often fail to understand the significance of teaching African literature for both blacks and whites. In an increasingly global marketplace and culture, both black and white students gain valuable knowledge of African history, culture and society through literature. Africa is often perceived as a wild and ...

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AFRICAN Literature in Curriculum. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:25, February 08, 2025, from