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U.S. International Trade

The purpose of this research is to both examine American international trade generally, and to examine more specifically American international trade with Mexico. The general examination of American trade is presented first, followed by the examination of American trade with Mexico.

Data on American international trade for the 19601989 time period are presented in Table 1, which may be found beginning below on this page. These data are based on the broader definition of international trade, which includes both goods and services.

American International Trade: 19601989


Year Merchandise Services Balance

  of Trade

Exports Imports Net Recepits Payments Net


1960 21 16 5 9 8 1 6

1965 29 24 5 14 9 5 10

[table continued on following page] 1

[table continued from preceding page]

Year Merchandise Services Balance

  of Trade

Exports Imports Net Recepits Payments Net


1970 47 44 3 22 17 5 8

1975 107 102 5 55 29 36 41

1980 218 243 25 133 75 58 33

1985 234 350 116 137 99 38 78

1989 411 521 110 213 155 58  52

[Export/import data stated in 1982 dollars, adjusted for implicit GNP price deflators,Council of Economic Advisers, 1990]


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U.S. International Trade. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 04:57, February 21, 2025, from