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Security on School Campuses

1. America's new War on Terror has caused many more security measures to be taken on the campus. Bags cannot be left unattended anywhere; metal detectors are placed at strategic entrances to major buildings where large numbers of people congregate or are housed; campus police patrols have been increased; and campus police can ask to search bags, cars, etc. at any time. Anyone refusing such a search will not be allowed on campus. Buildings are checked frequently. Campus police patrol inside the buildingr now as well as outside. People attending events on campus are carefully screened, cars may be searched, and only people with tickets are allowed to attend events. Surveillance cameras have been placed in many locations throughout the campus. The casual atmosphere of the campus has changed, and people are not as free to come and go as they please any more.

2. Because this is a school campus, background checks have always been a part of the hiring process at this institution. Since the war on terror, the checks have been more thorough

3. At the local Starbucks, several employees are studying, and with finals here, everyone needed time off to study and to take final exams. On one occasion, the only way to arrange it was for two girls to be working alone at night. This is not a good situation because sometimes homeless people or drunks hang around in the parking lot and the girls do not like being there alone late at night, or walking out to their cars alone. Usually at least one male works so this situation does not usually arise. It was resolved by one of the male baristas who was off duty studying, having to take a break and come back to the store at closing time to make sure the girls were okay while they cleaned up, and to escort them to their cars.

Problem 8: Racial discrimination, inadvertent neglect, overt hostility, excessive attention.

1. Professor Dietz is teaching a class called "Survey of French Li...

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Security on School Campuses. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:45, January 22, 2025, from